A Feathered Image came to fruition after my hobby of photographing birds became my passion.
I had been attracting and feeding hummingbirds in my backyard, when I decided to try to photograph them. In 2009, I purchased my first DLSR camera (a Sony A200) and with a little trial and error, I was able to capture some amazing shots of my backyard friends.
Since then, I have expanded my subject matter to all things nature including landscapes, flowers and animals. I have become especially fond of photographing animals at the Milwaukee County Zoo.
The zoo has provided great subject matters, including the two jaguar cubs born in 2012 who I still fondly refer to as “my boys.” On most weekends, you can find me at the zoo taking close-up shots of various animals – the best way to capture each animals’ unique personality.
While I often seek out my own subject matter for my prints and other products, I am available for projects customized to your needs.